
Your donation helps our outcomes

Successes are measured in a variety of ways in our field. Numbers tell one of the major success stories for Wernle Youth & Family Treatment Center. We meet or exceed expectations in every category of reports compiled by the Indiana Association of Residential Child Care Agencies. Recent results showed:

  • 89% of our discharges were planned. The state average is 72%.
  • 71% of our discharged residents were reunited with families. The state average is 50%.
  • 12% of discharges across the state were administrative in nature. Ours were three times fewer at 4%.
  • The average family satisfaction level was 6.5 on a scale of 7. The statewide average was 6.

Much of the credit for successes can be attributed to Wernle’s therapeutic treatment programs and a caring, trained staff. These programs are based on each resident’s individual clinical assessment and they are designed to maximize their strengths, rather than concentrate on their failures and weaknesses.